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El Nabatat Island in Aswan

Aswan is considered one of the most visited governorates during the current days, because it includes many wonderful archaeological sites, including the Botanical Garden.

The park was established in 1898 and has an area of ​​18 acres and is divided into longitudinal and transit walkers, and the maximum length of the park is 700 meters and the maximum width is 115 meters, as it is located in a wonderful island surrounded by water from everywhere, this is unlike the genius of history for this place.

After you board a sailboat or winch in the Nile and land on the island, your tour begins with Cairo Top Tours on a road path made of Aswan granite with a pink color, then you find several walks in all directions of the same pink granite and the sides of the road and shades are palm trees whose white color is marvelous in beauty called With the Mamluk palm trees, then you can see the wide garden divisions in the form of 27 ponds that you can reach through these granite cattle. These ponds are filled with the finest of what you saw from the palm trees, tall trees, small shrubs, aromatic plants, flowers and tropical plants.

Travel to Egypt to visit the Egyptian temples and pyramids to learn more about the mythology and hundreds of Gods worshipped by the Pharaohs who were very much like humans they loved and hated, they felt jealous and fought and died during an amazing myth full of joyful, action and dramatic events that inspired modern movie directors and producers to create world-famous movies about the grandeur of the Pharaohs and the Gods they worshipped. Spend a few days to visit Abydos, Giza, Luxor, Aswan to see the tombs of the Pharaohs adorned with very clear, detailed and beautifully painted scenes of the various deities of ancient Egypt as well as many other sites, cities, adventures and things to do in Cairo, you can try and book one of our range of Egypt tours and Egypt Travel Packages many privately guided groups of Cairo day tours from airport and Egypt day tours to explore the capital city of Egypt, Cairo you can check a lot of Egypt itineraries or go on one of our full Cairo Day tours like:

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